What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?

1954316851DBT is about finding balance.

Therapy employing DBT focuses on helping people get unstuck from extreme positions using dialectical strategies. Integrating opposite ideas, DBT helps therapists and clients see problems from a more balanced perspective. One of the keys to success with DBT is a careful balance between acceptance and change.

DBT also helps validate clients and allows them to feel understood. By balancing acceptance and change, DBT helps clients feel supported as they work toward their goals.

What is the “D” in DBT? The “D” in DBT stands for dialectical, meaning that the therapeutic approach integrates opposites to help both therapist and client gain more balance.

What is the “B” in DBT? The “B” in DBT stands for behavioral, meaning the therapeutic approach focuses on specific behaviors relevant to the client’s goals. By assessing the situations that trigger problematic behaviors, therapists can help clients find solutions that work for them. With DBT, clients can gain the skills and tools to make positive life changes.

What is the science behind DBT?

DBT is an evidence-based therapy that has been proven effective through research. With a scientific approach, therapists can tailor the treatment to each client’s needs and continue to advance the field of DBT.

Using a scientifically informed approach, clients can trust that they receive the best care possible.

2078787826DBT is collaborative.

In DBT, therapists work collaboratively with clients to help them achieve their goals.

By completing homework assignments, role-playing new ways of interacting with others, and practicing skills such as soothing when upset, clients can learn to apply the strategies they learn in therapy to real-life situations.

With a focus on relationships, DBT helps clients build strong connections with others and feel supported throughout the therapy process.

Now that you know about DBT, I invite you to try it. Please get in touch with me for more information.