Couples DBT Retreats

1103094848Partners are essential to the treatment.

If you’re in a relationship with someone who is hypersensitive or prone to high conflict, it can be tough to know how to respond in a way that promotes understanding and peace. Our DBT Retreat for Partners is designed to give you the skills to handle these challenges more effectively.

You’ll learn essential DBT skills like emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness, helping you manage conflicts and emotions in a healthier way. These skills will not only support your partner’s treatment/coaching process, but also empower you to create a more stable and supportive relationship.

There is flexibility.

The retreats can occur during a week or weekend, and you’ll walk away with a behavioral contract following the retreat.

You don’t necessarily have to be in treatment to participate, but it can be beneficial if you are. What’s important is that your loved one is in therapy/coaching and that you’re willing to join the group by speaking about your personal experiences as they relate to the skills.

The program emphasizes family support.

During the retreat, you’ll learn skills for effective communication and crisis management, and we’ll also encourage you to take care of your own emotional needs.

Often, the group provides a sense of relief when another family member is going through difficulties. There is something that a concerned other can do, and it’s acceptable, even necessary, to take care of your own needs and concerns to support a loved one.

So, if you’re ready to provide an even more robust support system for your loved one, I highly recommend considering our Couples DBT Retreats.