DBT Coaching

Hello, and welcome to my DBT coaching services!

As a therapist, I aim to provide you with the support you need now using the phone and other in-vivo coaching techniques. With DBT coaching, we work together to help you effectively cope with difficult situations that arise in your everyday life.

The coaching calls are a brief and circumscribed intervention, typically lasting between 5 and 15 minutes.

While it’s not therapy on the phone, I focus on providing practical tools to improve your daily life and help you build a life worth living!

2006016782Address issues as they arise.

Using compassionate guidance and support, I offer individualized skills coaching depending on your needs and apply DBT skills to various situations.

Sometimes, our calls may focus on getting through a crisis related to suicidal thoughts or other problems.

You can call me when you feel overwhelmed, at your wit’s end, or at risk of harming yourself. However, I encourage you to reach out to me well before a crisis emerges, so we can focus on how to use skills to avert a crisis and prevent patterns of repeated crisis calls.

Another reason for clients to call is to discuss an issue in our therapy session or relationship that needs discussing sooner rather than later. In those cases, a brief heart-to-heart phone call focused on skills you can use to manage emotions about therapy can be very helpful.

Improving your life is my goal.

The bottom line with phone coaching is that no matter the purpose of the call, my focus is always on helping you effectively use skills to improve your life.

Thank you for considering my services, and I look forward to working with you!